About Us
Sundance Environmental Consultants, Inc. has been incorporated since 2004 and specializes in environmental site assessment and environmental remediation. Sundance personnel have in-depth environmental consulting experience with environmental due diligence, gas stations, dry cleaner and metals-contaminated sites.
Sundance projects include:
- Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments for commercial property transactions
- Environmental site characterization of soil, groundwater and indoor air
- Remediation planning and implementation.
Regulatory reporting is performed to the Colorado Division of Oil and Public Safety (OPS), Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division, and Colorado Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP).
Lead Sundance personnel are registered with the OPS Recognized Environmental Professional (REP) Program.

Robin Fryberger, P.E. – Principal
Licensed Professional Engineer, State of Colorado, #30922, 1996
Recognized Environmental Professional, Colorado Division of Oil and Public Safety, #53, 2018
Industrial Waste Water Treatment Plant Operator, Class A, State of Colorado, #9122, 2020
Mr. Fryberger serves as principal engineer and project manager with over twenty-five years of environmental consulting experience. He provides design and implementation leadership on numerous property redevelopment and remediation projects, having supported commercial, municipal, and Federal programs.
His involvement on many sites has included Phase I and Phase II site assessments, site management planning, regulatory negotiations, remediation system design, remediation construction and operation, and applications for site closure. His expertise has been applied to halogenated solvents, fuels, and other oil and gas- and metals-contaminated sites. Most of the remediation systems have involved SVE, air sparging, bioremediation and natural attenuation, and many have included excavation and groundwater recovery and treatment, including with horizontal wells.
Experience with innovative technologies has included chemical oxidation with potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide, surfactant flushing, dual-phase extraction, reductive dehalogenation with iron filings, and injections of lactate and activated carbon amendments.
Permitting experience includes Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program Rule Authorizations for groundwater reinjection or chemical injections, preparation of Air Pollutant Emissions Notices (APENs) for air emissions, monitoring well and injection/extraction trench permitting with the Division of Water Resources, and surface water discharge permitting with the Colorado Discharge Permit System (CDPS).
Mr. Fryberger has worked under multiple regulatory programs, including CERCLA, RCRA, UMTRA, COGCC, USTs and VCUP.