Site Remediation
Site Remediation may entail:
- Removal of underground storage tanks (USTs)
- Screen remedial alternatives
- Estimate costs of remedial actions
- Prepare Corrective Action Plans
- Prepare Voluntary Clean-Up Plans
- Implement CAP or VCUP at site
- Negotiate with regulatory agencies to achieve site closure and No Further Action (NFA) Determinations
Costs for clean-up of releases of petroleum fuels from USTs can be reimbursed through the Division of Oil and Public Safety (OPS) Petroleum Storage Tank Fund. We prepare and submit reimbursement claim packages for eligible UST sites.
Site Remediation project activities include:
- Establishing clean up goals based on regulatory program, chemical concentrations and proposed land use
- Evaluating remediation alternatives based on clean up goals and site-specific conditions
- Preparing Corrective Action Plan (CAP) or Voluntary Cleanup Plan (VCP) for regulatory review and approval
- Performing pilot testing as necessary to support remedial design
- Completing environmental permitting such as for monitoring wells or chemical injections
- Implementing the approved remediation plan including construction, operations and site monitoring
- Negotiating with regulatory agencies to achieve site closure and No Further Action (NFA) status or No Action Determination (NAD).

Most sites utilize a combination of remedial technologies to provide the most cost-effective clean-up. Depending on site conditions, source removal may consist of soil excavation or soil vapor extraction (SVE). In situ soil and groundwater remediation technologies may include air sparging (AS), various chemical injection options, soil mixing and others. Residual contamination may be managed in place by soil capping, sub-slab depressurization systems (SSDS) and/or natural attenuation depending on site-specific conditions and regulatory approval.
Sundance Environmental synthesizes data on site conditions, regulatory clean-up requirements and client preferences to accomplish remediation and achieve NFAs for various types of sites in Colorado, such as for:
- Petroleum fuels and auto shops
- Dry Cleaner solvents
- Landfills
- Agricultural chemicals
- Mining debris and ore processing waste, and more.
Any Questions? Get in Touch!
With many unique projects under our belt, we have in-depth knowledge in Environmental Site Assessments and Site Remediation. Contact us to discuss your project today.